Monday, May 21, 2007


I recieved what I believe to be the greatest gift I've ever been given yesterday. My kindred spirit, bosom buddy, life partner haha, best friend, whatever you wanna call it, gave me about 100 photocopied pages of her prayer journal. It has over a months worth of journaling from when she went to Rhwanda and when she was really seeking God's peace. To be given something so intimate is absolutely priceless in my eyes. To read such raw honesty and emotion is beautiful. : ) I can't wait to read it all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would read it before you get so excited.... :0/ Its actually full of my not so proudest moments and a lot of turmoil. Take the good with the bad though, I would not give it to anyone else. Love ya "life partner" haha that is really funny I cant believe you put that

I Heart You