Friday, June 15, 2007

Microscopic Work

I deleted the post I wrote a few days ago. Besides being a very emotional ( which I try not to be) post, I have also not stopped thinking about it. One thought has been coming up a bit in different books I've been reading and I felt very convicted that there was much false assumption in that blog about my future. I said that I thought I do the "crazy things of this world" and do "big things" Who am I to assume that God is going to use me for something "big"? I am just a servant. I can demand no great recognition or calling. The thought that has been making it's ugly head known these past 2 days is "being content with the small things" Finding satisfaction in doing the repetative daily tasks of life. I flipped open "irresistable revolution" to the place where Shane Clairborne goes to India to minister to the poorest of the poor. He says quite perfectly, " While the temptation to do great things is always before us, in Khalighat i learened the discipline of doing the small things with great diliberation" Uh oh, Is God trying to tell me that I'm going to be washing dishes in a hut in Africa or serving food to the hungry without gratitude for the rest of my life? Hmm I don't know but I have decided (and I think it is a choice) that I am going to find joy, satisfaction, and purpose in whatever I do..... big or microscopic.

"We can do no great things, just small things with great love. It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into doing it." Mother Teresa

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