Tuesday, March 20, 2007


We can not escape troubles. We are not exempt from woes. "Our vision is so limited we can hardly imagine a love that does not show itself in protection from suffering. The love of God is of a different nature altogether. It does not hate tragedy. It never denies reality. It stands in the very teeth of suffering. The love of God did notprotect His own Son, that He let Him go to Calvary's cross..."

Recently I've been struggling with my humanity. "If I'm a new creation then why do I still struggle so much? Why am I not complete?" It comes down to the fact of how I deal with these struggles. Will I get discouraged and think that I am a failure? Or will I offer these struggles as a offering to God that I might grow? Elizabeth Elliot describes our choices in reacting to struggles wonderfully:

rebellion- If this is the will of God for me now, He doesn't love me.
rejection- If this is what God is giving me, I won't have any part in it.
faith- God know exactly what he's doing.
acceptance- He loves me; He plans good things for me; I'll take it

I realize I will face difficulties but I pray that I will face them with faith and acceptance in the future.

1 comment:

Megan Erin Allen said...

I may be anne-like but my blogs will never be as deep and thoughtful as yours. Thank you for all you comments!! You saved my day. Love you sister dearest

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