Sunday, August 17, 2008

CDs and phone calls

I'm so frustrated.

I get frustrated way to easily.

I have this image in my mind of how think things should go or how people should act.

When this image does not become reality, I become disappointed and ,yes,..... frustrated.

I feel like an idiot but what's new these past few weeks?

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Mamma Mia and Venus Fly Traps

Who in the hell made the movie Mamma Mia?

From about minute 2, I knew this was going to be a long movie. I was embarrased watching it in the theatre with 70 women and 2 guys. (1 of those 2 was my dad) Needless to say, we left early. I turned and looked at my mom and said "Seriously, are we really going to stay?"

My dad said he felt like he was walking out of a dirty movie and almost stayed for the whole movie. No matter how I felt I could NOT have sat all the way through mamma mia. Ugh!

I was at starbucks today and all around the store were venus fly traps. They were much smaller than I expected. In my imagination they're huge and are a threat to humans. But to my relief, they are actually the size of a quarter and not quite as dangerous as I would have imagined. They did do their job though... there were quite a few dead flies that had met their doom. i want one.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

"Nice trip, see ya next fall"

Due to my random annoyance with my family and their every movement, I decided to run outside instead of the treadmill.

I do not run outside.

Well at least not in the summer. One word... snakes. I have given those horrible reptiles quite a bit of control over my schedule. But my annoyance outweighed my unrealistic fear that all snakes are after ME.

I had a good stride going and as I was looking up in the trees, something caught my eye. To my right was a roadkilled bunny or something like that. It was beyond animal recognition. After seeing that sight, I got a burst of energy, looked down, and booked it away. Only, right when i looked down after running a few feet I see a little bunny organ and almost lost my lunch, which would have been a shame considering I went to get a falafel pita for lunch at this super sketch middle eastern deli.

Ok, so I'm running again. Theres a hill on my route. It may not look like a hill when you're driving on it but when you are running up or down it then you know the truth. So I'm making my way down the hill and about half way down, apparently I forgot to pick up my feet...

Then my world switched into slow motion. My equilibrium was gone. My feet were scrambling to make this not end in pain. My arms were decided where they should be with an impending fall. "Why is this hill so much more steep than usual?"

For a moment I thought I was in this clear, no fall, no pain. But then slow motion stopped and I flipped into super speed and was flat on my stomach on the asphalt. Of course I got up as quickly as any person who did something so stupid and funny to watch. I ran and looked around... "Is there anyone who could have possibly seen that?" Luckily, no one was even close. So since there was no drive by to laugh at my expense, I will allow you.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New Day

Why is it so hard to forgive?

Or maybe it is easy to forgive but seemingly impossible to forget.

I guess i just need help but more important, time.

Time to let go and give up my hurt.

I start today.........

I Heart You