Friday, June 22, 2007


I have no idea why I was so tired yesterday. Perhaps because I was tempted with a nap for 2 hours but never got to have the pleasure of taking one. At 7:30 I told myself I would try to keep my eyes open till 9. I made it and at exactly 9 I crashed. 10 hours of precious sleep! Sorry working friends.... I guess that's everyone except me. I woke up and cleaned out my room. Took everything that need to be packed and put it in the bonus room. So far my toiletry bag is packed. I need my mom to pack. Yes, I'm a baby and can't pack on my own....... or at least I can't pack on my own for 5 months!! Boo hoo Why isn't this real yet!? I'm so ok right now. haha I know that is a blessing so why am I complaining? oh well Day 3 has just started.

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