Thursday, June 7, 2007


I miss my friend. Especially today. We have not talked in 4 days. This hasn't happened for a while. She is in Spain. While I do not see her on a regular basis (she lives, what feels like, forever away.... Florida lol), I do talk to her at least once a day sometimes more. I have news to tell her and along with my sister she is my "person". My "person" is the person who makes things real. Meg and Tanya verify what is actually happening with their excitement. Telling them is what makes the news come to life. I've only told one of them and I need to tell the other. It's funny how I've told so many people and everyone is excited yet I won't be content until giving her the news. Wow, this sounds pretty gay as I read over it but we're just really good friends haha. You wish you were as close to your friends!! Bitter comments done..... bye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How i missed thee and how much more I shall miss you now............

I Heart You