Sunday, June 3, 2007


Regardless of the fact that it has been an amazing week, I feel pretty down. I just got off the phone with one of my best friends from Florida. I guess the last time I talked to her was 3 or 4 months ago. It's just hard to realize that we all went our separate ways and we're fine without one another. Seeing how our lives have panned out and how we're doing the things we've always dreamed about is just weird. So so weird. I guess relationships grow and die sometimes. I suppose we'll always have the bond of sharing our past secrets with one another. That is something that builds such trust and I think we'll always be able to ask those personal questions and expect honest answers. Again I say it and everytime it's a little more heartbreaking. Why does everyone have to grow up?


Tania Luna said...

I know its sad that it happens. We get old and "lose touch" with old friends and start "playing telephone tag". Its not intentional or fun but it just happens...........
love ya mucho

Megan Erin Allen said...

I second luna, great pic by the way. But me and you will be BFF forever!!

I Heart You