Friday, April 13, 2007


I have a dilemma. I can't seem to finish books in the normal manner. Most people, or so I am told, start one book and read till they are finished. Me, on the other hand, start a book, put it down, start another book, put that one down, and then go back to book one and read a bit more. This problem has turned my life into a mess of books. I can count 5 books that I have started in the past month. Now don't get me wrong, I do finish all of them but it takes me a lot longer than most. I am reading:
1. Orthodoxy by Chesterton
2. Signature of Jesus by Manning
3. The Practice of the Presence of God by _________ (can't remember
4. Some Missions book my brother gave me
4. Experiencing God

I'm seriously not super spiritual. I just want to learn more about God. Another problem is that these books convict me so I have to move on to another one until I'm ready to face my conviction. Usually this takes a day or two. Maybe that's my problem, I require to much time to think over what I've just read. That and I usually fall asleep shortly after I start reading. hahaha

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