Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I regret to admit that I related very much to a 7 year old's view on love.
Caitlen: "have you had a boyfriend?"
me: "yah, one"
caitlen: " wow you must have dated for a long time!" (she's already had 2 boyfriends.... at the same time)

C: "I don't want to get married"
Me: "yah, I feel that way too sometimes. Boys are too much trouble."
C: Yah, they are"
Me: "They take to much thought and we've got better things to think about"
C: " like geography"
Me and C: "and math!"
C: "Sometimes I want to get married because I don't want to be lonely but I might just get a dog"
Me: "Oh my gosh I've said the same thing. I just want a really big dog"
C: (she trails off on how big dogs are expensive and how her dog is small.)

C: "So what's the secret to boyfriend and girlfriend?"
Me: "like how to get one or something?" (feeling self conscience that I don't know the "secret" to love off the top of my head)
C: "yah, like are you friends first?
Me: "that's what I did. I almost wish we'd never dated and just stayed friends." (shocked that I didn't realize this till now)
C: "Yah, I don't want to get married"
Me: (smiling but disagreeing)

1 comment:

Megan Erin Allen said...

that was so great!! I loved every second. Someday I'll tell you the secret to boyfriends and girlfriends... when you're older.

I Heart You