Sunday, July 15, 2007


I really don't feel like writing anything now but some have stated that I should. I'll tell you my schedule for the day.

6 or 6:30 wake up - the sun shines right in my face in the mornings so I can't sleep to much past sunrise
run or go to the YMCA
7:30 breakfast- cereal, toast, and usually eggs or pancakes
8 am quiet time
9 am worship (mon, wed, fri) the worship is great here... So freeing and awesome
11 am class- we have different teachers come in every week and they have different topics... this past week was Blake Maddocks and he taught on the character of God.... It's been an OK teaching, not much meat to it. This week we're learning about the Father Heart of God.... Supposed to cry every class
1pm Lunch- The food here is great.... I'm always ready for lunch. We're all usually starving by 1
2pm More classes- my butt falls asleep sitting in those chairs for so long
3:45 Work duties- this means I make dinner everynight. It kind of sucks because there isn't any AC and we're in a hot kitchen
5:35 Dinner- Again good food
7-9 On mon & tues we do stuff after dinner. Monday is outreach (ex. skate park ministry, chilling with the homeless) Tuesday is India outreach prep.

On Wed, Thur, and Fri we have the nights off. Usually we sit around and talk or read all night. I love free nights. We just started watching "lawn movies". We set up someones laptop and put some blankets on the ground and watch a movie under the stars. Last night the sprinklers rained us out. : (

The weekends are random. Last week we went to downtown Boulder and walked around. This week we went to get pizza and listen to Jazz. We also went to these hippie's house who live in this used to be insane isylum. That was weird. Tanya, you would have loved it.

Well sorry it took so long but I feel like you're all adequately filled in.

Love you all!

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