Sunday, July 1, 2007

Recap of the Weekend

Thursday- Session in the morning then we ate and packed up for camping. We all just hung out and played games. We sat around the fire for hours. With the fire going I didn't realize how flipping cold it was getting. I realize this fact in the middle of the night in my rinky-dink thin sleeping bag. Sooo cold.

Friday- First up out of like 35. Breakfast and then we piled in the van for white water rafting. It was incredibly fun and ,again, cold. The water was snow run off. We got back and most took naps so we had a nice chill relaxed night. We bonded for a couple hours. Bonding is fancy for sharing our testimonies.

Saturday- More bonding, drove home, hung out around the base. Starbucks for a couple of hours. Great talk with the girls.

Sunday- Church...... Um I'm starving and they just started to serve lunch so I"m going to go eat! Love you all!!

1 comment:

Harrison said...

i'm glad you're doing so well there brit... love you!

I Heart You